沼气,是各种有机质在隔绝空气以及适宜的温度和湿度条件下,经过微生物的发酵作用产生的一种可燃烧的气体。 在密闭的沼气池里,那些能够生活在缺氧条件下的细菌会大量繁殖,它们将人粪尿、禽畜粪尿和秸秆中的有机物分解,并产生沼气。那么沼气可以在那些地方发挥作用呢?下面我们和沼气提纯厂家一起看看吧!
Biogas is a kind of combustible gas produced by microorganism fermentation under the condition of isolating air and suitable temperature and humidity. In sealed biogas digesters, bacteria that can live under hypoxic conditions multiply in large quantities. They decompose organic matter in human excrement, livestock excrement and straw and produce biogas. So where can biogas work? Now let's take a look with the biogas purifier.
沼气可用于农民做饭、 照明、 洗澡,可选用设备为沼气灶、 沼气饭煲、 沼气灯和沼气热水器。但别以为沼气只能做这些,沼气还可以用在很多方面。
Biogas can be used for cooking, lighting and bathing for farmers, and the optional equipment is biogas stove, biogas rice cooker, biogas lamp and biogas water heater. But don't think that biogas can only do this. Biogas can also be used in many ways.
沼液沼渣施肥:沼液沼渣是的有机肥, 可作为农作物的基肥和追肥,生产无公害农产品。
Fertilization with biogas sludge: Biogas sludge is a kind of high quality organic fertilizer, which can be used as base fertilizer and topdressing fertilizer for crops and produce pollution-free agricultural products.
沼气发电:将柴油发动机改装成全燃气发动机或沼气-柴油双燃料发动机, 配套小型同步电机或异步电机就可实现沼气发电。

Biogas power generation: Diesel engine can be converted into full gas engine or biogas-diesel dual-fuel engine, with small synchronous motor or asynchronous motor, biogas power generation can be realized.
沼液治虫防病:沼液对蚜虫、红蜘蛛、黄蜘蛛、稻叶蝉、 稻飞虱等有明显的防治效果, 对纹枯病、 小球菌核病等有一定的防治效果。
Biogas slurry for pest control and disease control: Biogas slurry has obvious control effects on aphids, red spiders, yellow spiders, rice leafhoppers, rice planthoppers, and has certain control effects on sheath blight and micrococcal nucleosis.
沼渣种菇沼液养鱼:沼渣酸碱度适中、质地疏松、可以用来种菇、养花等;用 沼液养鱼(猪、禽) ,能节约饲料,降低生产成本,具有明显的经济效益。
Biogas residue and biogas slurry for fish farming: biogas residue is moderate and acidic, and its texture is loose. It can be used to grow mushrooms and flowers. Biogas slurry (* pig and poultry) can save feed and reduce production cost. It has obvious economic benefits.
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